What Would You Do? 40. 41. Would you stay calm or would you panic? acc.gc.ca S i vous cessez de fumer, essayez d'épargner l'arge nt que vous auriez dép ensé e n cigarettes. What would you do if you were at home at night alone and you heard a noise in your house that seemed to be footsteps? Would it be practical or flashy? questions. 42.

You would answer them by stating the kind of work you do, like this: “I am a writer,” or “I am a doctor” or “I drive a bus.” Asking about activities

You can change the type of questions you're getting by clicking on Game Mode on the top. Lyrics: Boys and girls, wanna hear a true story? If you could have any car you wanted, which car would you choose? If you quit smoking, try to save the money you would have spent on cigarettes. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "would you mind" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises.

Submit your own "Would you rather...?" What would you do if you found the wallet of your next door neighbor who you hated? There you can choose between casual question for a fun and more relaxed game, or dirty for a hot and spicey round of "Would you rather...?".

If your car broke down on the …

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