SaintSilas Tele-Meister. Shop with confidence. ... Vox AC30HW2 Hand-Wired AC30 Combo Guitar Amp 2x12 Celestion Greenback 30W.

You can choose either the AC30C2 with a G12M Greenback speakers or the AC30C2X that uses the Alnico Blue Speakers. C $3,144.79; Buy It Now +C $125.00 shipping; Vox Mini3-G2 IV (White) Combo Guitar Amp 3W 1x5 Amplifier . Both amp models are based on the classic Vox AC30 design. VOX Custom Series amps offer two channels: Normal and Top-Boost. Based on the classic AC30 design, the all-new Custom Series AC30C2 and AC30C2X offer numerous up-todate enhancements, delivering the most versatile AC30 design in VOX history. Find great deals on eBay for vox amps and vox super beatle. Vox AC30C2 / AC30C2X Guitar Combo Amplifier (30 Watts, 2x12"), AC30C2, with Celestion G12M Greenback Speakers Choose the Vox AC30C2 with Celestion Greenback speakers, or the AC30C2X with Alnico Blue speakers. The VOX AC30 combo amp has been an icon for decades, known as the sound that powered the 1960s' "British Invasion." Model: # AC30HW2.

Vox AC30C2 / AC30C2X Guitar Combo Amplifier (30 Watts, 2x12"), AC30C2, with Celestion G12M Greenback Speakers Choose the Vox AC30C2 with Celestion Greenback speakers, or the AC30C2X with Alnico Blue speakers. Posts: 182. (17) Read 15 reviews for this product | Rate and review this product C $838.52; Buy It Now +C $85.00 … Online Add to Cart. An Evolution in Tone. Add to Wish List Add to Wish List SKU: # 329175. Vox AC30HW2 - Hand-wired Combo Amp with Celestion G12M Greenback speakers. C $264.99; Buy It Now +C $39.00 shipping; Vox AV60 Combo Guitar Amp 60W Amplifier. Capable of both enchanting clean and raucous overdriven sounds, the signature chime of the AC30 Custom pairs seamlessly the intricacies of your playing style, resulting in a sound that is truly your own. The AC30 Custom Series makes use of 3 x 12AX7 preamp valves. Employing a quartet of EL84 power tubes, the AC30 Custom pumps 30 watts of remarkable tone through a pair of 12” Celestion Greenback or Alnico Blue speakers. Upgraded from the factory Wharfedale GSH-1230-h 30w speakers to the Celestion G12 M 25w for a different sound. Capable of both enchanting clean and raucous overdriven sounds, the signature chime of the AC30 Custom pairs seamlessly the intricacies of your playing … read more

Employing a quartet of EL84 power tubes, the AC30 Custom pumps 30 watts of remarkable tone through a pair of 12” Celestion Greenback or Alnico Blue speakers. Both amp models are based on the classic Vox AC30 design. The Wharfedales still sound great and I like them quite a bit... but the greenbacks do something a bit different that I really enjoy. Not sure if they mod it or they get it from vox with a greenback.

In-Store Pick Up in Store. Your Price: $ 2,525.00 CDN Write a Review. A quartet of EL84 valves in the power stage drives 30 watts of power through a two 12” Celestion Speaker. The G12M Greenback compliments heavier grit and has a slightly grainy breakup quality without sounding blurry … Mar 12, 2018 #15. my ac4 came with a vx12, which is a celestion 70/80. they call the vx10 a custom though. Description; …

After a few days of break in, the Vox AC15 with the Celestion G12M Greenback has a wonderfully punky sound that deviates slightly from the vintage Vox combination with a Celestion Alnico Blue in that the mid-range focus shifts slightly lower and the high-end is slightly rolled off. Up for sale is my VOX AC30CC2 Custom Classic 2x12 Combo Amp with Celestion G12M 25w Greenback Speakers!!! (17) Read 15 reviews for this product | Rate and review this product Departments > Guitars > Guitar Amps > Amp Tube Combo > Vox > AC30HW2 - Hand-wired Combo Amp with Celestion G12M Greenback speakers. are you positive its a greenback? Each channel … Click to expand... i know the ac15 and the ac30 both come with greenbacks now, but ive never heard of an ac10 with one from the factory.

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