Tra le offerte recenti di auto usate trovi anche Peugeot 308 - su AutoScout24, il più grande marketplace di automobili online d'Europa. Discover your Peugeot approved used vehicle: Peugeot 308 SW 1.5 BlueHDi GT Line EAT (s/s) 5dr Diesel with 14099 km, year 2019 , available Peter Ambrose Castleford at Castleford (WF10 1LX) Find Petrol Peugeot 308 Hatchback GT Line used cars for sale on Auto Trader, today. Oltre ai cerchi in lega 17'' Rubis diamantati di serie, P eugeot 308 GT Line propone, in opzione, …
Tratto di Peugeot 308 SW II (EAT6) BlueHdi 1.6 (120cv) Gt Line, cambio manuale 6m, auto full optionals con cerchi in lega da 18. The sophisticated, high-tech lighting signature at the front consists of full LED headlamps (tooltip: 100% Light Emitting Diode lighting, fitted as standard) cleverly shaped to create a captivating feline look. DISTINGUISHED STYLE. The sports theme continues under the bonnet with a choice of two exclusive engines on the new PEUGEOT 308 GT. The sophisticated, high-tech lighting signature at the front consists of full LED headlamps (tooltip: 100% Light Emitting Diode lighting, fitted as standard) cleverly shaped to create a captivating feline look.
With the largest range of second hand Peugeot 308 cars across the UK, find the right car for you.
Prezzo di listino 29.900. Find used Peugeot 308 GT Line Cars for sale at The new 308 GT Line is an exemplary fusion of design and dynamic performance, that also offers a superb level of finishing quality. THE 308 GT LINE, SPORTS DESIGN.
Choose from a massive selection of deals on second hand Peugeot 308 GT Line Cars from trusted Peugeot dealers! L’aspetto di P eugeot 308 GT Line è allargato ed abbassato, grazie alle fasce di protezione, gli scarichi neri laccati e i suoi equipaggiamenti, come il doppio terminale di scarico. With bold, clean lines, a striking blend of sumptuous materials and hugely efficient engines, the PEUGEOT 308 GT Line strikes the perfect balance. The new 308 GT Line is an exemplary fusion of design and dynamic performance, that also offers a superb level of finishing quality. Cerchi Peugeot 308?
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