Material is an adaptable system of guidelines, components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design. react; material-ui; material; datatable; table Datatable for React based on with additional features. Does anybody know … Keywords. material-table DataTable based on table component with additional features like search, filtering, sorting and much more. material-ui-autosuggest A fuzzy-search component for React and Material-UI. To support material-table visit SUPPORT page. material-ui-next-pickers A datepicker or timepicker in Material UI Next or can be imported as a clock or calendar component. I was trying to implement the Table within card example found here. Backed by open-source code, Material streamlines collaboration between designers and developers, and helps teams quickly build beautiful products. Datatable for React based on with additional features - 1.60.0 - a JavaScript package on npm - This is due to utilising react-beautiful-dnd for drag & drop functionality which uses hooks. Datatable for React based on with additional features I have been playing around with Material UI today and I couldn't quite get this to work. Description. Prerequisites. The minimum React version material-table supports is ^16.8.5 since material-table v1.36.1. Datatable for React based on material-ui's table with additional features - mbrn/material-table
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