Pour Mac OS X 10.10 ou version ultérieure. Step #2. Or it might not support particular extensions that you want to use. Télécharger Chrome pour Mac.
Step #1.
Click Settings from the drop-down list. To make Google Chrome your default browser on Mac, follow step by step instructions below: Mac. On your Mac machine, launch the Google Chrome browser. A Mac user’s guide to the Google Chrome browser Though Safari is the default browser for most mac OS users, some have to use Chrome. Open a text-based PDF in Preview, and highlight a bit of text. However, there are many Mac users who might not be happy with the default browser and looking to change to some other such as Mozilla, Firefox or else Opera.
Veuillez installer la version 10.10 ou une version ultérieure pour télécharger Chrome Canary. For instance, you might find Safari a tad slower than other options like Chrome or Firefox. In the left pane, click the “Default browser” section > click Make default. Safari, Mac’s default browser is really a great option designed to help you enjoy surfing. Now click the three stacked dots at the top right corner. Google Chrome is regarded as one of, if not the best internet browsers available, will many people preferring Chrome over Firefox, Microsoft Edge and even Apple's own Safari. How to Set Default Web Browser in macOS . Cliquez ici pour obtenir la version stable de Chrome. Safari launches, with the google search in place.
Install Chrome browser, and set it as the default browser, per above instructions.
La compatibilité n'est plus assurée avec votre version du système d'exploitation Mac. Launch System Preferences.
On a Mac however, Safari is usually set as the default browser, so we have created this step-by-step guide on how to set Google Chrome as your default browser. If you are also one of those users who are unable to change their search engines on Google Chrome on Mac, then you have stumbled on the right place.. Users have claimed that there default search engine is changed to some website called ‘akamaihd.net‘, and they are unable to get rid of it.This issue was reported by users a few months ago and it still seems to be hanging around for some.
However, it’s useful to know how to change the default web browser on Mac for varied reasons. Apple has set Safari as their default browser when they brought the Mac OS X Panther back in October 2003. Choose that option.
Safari is launched, regardless of MacOS preferences. Right-click the highlighted text and get a context menu, which includes an option to “Search with Google”.
Therefore, let’s see what you can do.
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