True 24-bit true-color images can be captured with color line scan cameras. The lines are continuously fed to a computer that joins them to each other and makes an image. JAI Sweep+ Series comprises 3-sensor RGB color line scan cameras and 4-sensor RGB color/near infrared line scan cameras for industrial machine vision.
Also monochrome line scan cameras with ultra fast scan rates. Algorithms are used which allow a more precise transformation than the usual 3x3 matrix transformation. GigE, Camera Link, and CLHS interface options Linea ML Leading edge multi-line CMOS technology delivers superb color plus near-infrared (NIR) fidelity for even the most demanding applications. Data Sheet (PDF) CAD Data; Manuals; CA-LHW12 Lens 12-mm for Line Scan Camera … The chromaPIXA has an internal FPGA-based color calculator which converts the color information of the CCD sensor on-the-fly into standard output color spaces. We supply line scan cameras with the latest technologies that set new standards for image quality and speed. Line scan cameras, sometimes known as 1D cameras are widely used in web inspection application, such as printing, PCB, when application requires very high resolution, and demanding lighting geometry. Data Sheet (PDF) CAD Data; Manuals; XG-HL04M 16-speed 4096-pixel Line Scan Camera. Resolutions from 2k to 16k, line rates to 71 kHz. A line-scan camera has a single row of pixel sensors, instead of a matrix of them. Sporting races commonly use this kind of camera to make photo finishes, i.e. These cameras provide the best possible performance and precision for line scan imaging in continuous production flows.
The Chromasens line scan cameras offer new approaches for the color-accurate capture of objects. View cameras. Semiconductors, wafers, textile webs, paper and other surfaces can quickly be checked for faults during operation or manufacturing. Data Sheet (PDF) CAD Data; Manuals; XG-HL02M 8-speed 2048-pixel Line Scan Camera.
Trilinear cameras deliver outstanding color line scan performance for applications that don't require … The frames are continuously fed to a computer that joins them to each other and makes an image. Resolutions up to 8192 pixels and line rates up to 200 kHz. This makes possible sharp pictures of objects that have passed the camera at high speed. chromaPIXA. The pixel size of line scan cameras enable them to achieve a very high quality image, ideal for applications in quality assurance that require a high resolution at high speeds.
Monochrome CMOS sensor line scan cameras with an excellent combination of high resolution and fast scan rates. Linea line scan cameras offer innovative mono and color performance at attractive prices. A line-scan camera traditionally has a single row of pixel sensors, instead of a matrix of them.
This is most commonly done by connecting the camera output to a frame grabber which resides in a PCI slot of an industrial computer. Data Sheet (PDF) CAD Data; Manuals; XG-HL08M 16-speed 8192-pixel Line Scan Camera. CA-HL08MX 8000 pixel line scan camera with LED pointer . Trilinear color.
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