9.99 lakh: Nissan Terrano XE Diesel* Rs.
Check accurate New Nissan Terrano Car On-Road ♒ Prices 2020 - 2021 in any Indian City inclusive of taxes. 13.75-13.85 lakh *prices of pre-facelift model. Nissan India has also removed the Terrano premium compact SUV from its official website. Images, Specifications, Book a test drive, and find dealers. 9.99 lakh: Nissan Terrano XL Plus Diesel* Rs.
Nissan aims to leverage SUV heritage to revive fortunes in India 11 Dec, 2018, 03.32 PM IST. This hints that the vehicle is no more on sale in the country. Explore Features Mileage Reviews Videos with On Road Prices for Nissan Terrano. 13.15 lakh: Nissan Terrano XVD Premium 110 PS Diesel AMT (Automatic) Rs. Nissan Terrano AMT Automatic Price in India. The poor sales and a huge investment to upgrade to comply it with new emission norms could be the two major reasons behind its discontinuation. Nissan, which last launched a totally new product under the brand in India way back in 2013 when it brought Terrano, is planning to kick off its revival journey in the market with the launch of compact SUV Kicks in January. 11.69 lakh: Nissan Terrano XV Premium 110 PS Diesel* Rs. Find new Nissan Passenger, SUV, Sports, Commercial, and 4X4 vehicles. Variant: Estimated ex-showroom Price: Nissan Terrano XL Petrol* Rs. Read – Nissan Patrol SUV Might Come To India.
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