Visual focus moves to the lead story.

A really helpful way to navigate a web page if you're a keyboard or a screen reader user is a skip link.

For screen reader users this provides help with the structure of the page - where is the main content - and being able to get there. The text-decoration-skip-ink CSS property specifies how overlines and underlines are drawn when they pass over glyph ascenders and descenders.

Without that skip link, we will need to tab through the whole links to get out of the navigation area.
And nothing you do with HTML alone will work for keyboard users in Chrome, Safari, or Opera. JQuery Solution. How many tabs you need in order to reach the content area? Code. To verify that the skip link is working properly, that second tab is important.

Lets explore the below example of New York Times design. In small websites, it might be ok to tab through 5 links. How to Link to a Specific Line or Paragraph on a Web Page Using HTML by Christopher Heng, Linking to another page on the Internet is pretty much a standard part of designing a website, so much so that it is included as a basic skill in any course on creating a website.When someone clicks on a link on your site, the browser normally takes that person to the …

With some simple JQuery, you can force browsers to give focus to the targets of skip nav links, plus highlight the target section temporarily so sighted users know they've arrived.

There are a number of items users must bypass in order to reach main content, like a website's logo, a site search, and the main navigation.

Let's create some skip links by starting with an unordered list. One more tab and input focus is on the headline which is a link to the main story. The main content of a web page rarely comes first in a typical layout. If you want to skip the entire page and move directly to the high contrast button in the footer menu, press the Enter key when the focus is on the “Skip to accessibility help button” link. Skip to accessibility help button: This skip link is the second link you meet on our pages with high contrast feature, when you browse using the Tab key. Transcript. In this design, we have almost 30 links to tab through. Wenn man zum Hauptinhalt möchte, ist der Header mit dem Auge schnell umschifft; mit der Maus ebenso. Am Anfang der meisten Webseiten finden wir oben im Header den Namen der Website, manchmal ergänzt um einen Slogan, und das Navigationsmenü. Learn how to create skip links in HTML and CSS that show on focus, and you'll benefit all users! Use the skip link by pressing enter at that point. So the skip link idea is this - put a link at the top of the page that allows keyboard users to jump over the navigation links and land on the main content of the page.

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