Honda Riding Assist technology does not use traditional gyroscopes for its self-balance since they tend to add a lot of weight. Honda had earlier previewed the Riding Assist concept (click here for our coverage) […] Honda's Riding Assist prototype motorcycle on display at CES in Las Vegas on January 6, 2017.
Instead, Honda’s system uses minute steering movements to … We create intelligent technologies that enrich lives and make the world more fun to move around in — on the road, on the water, in the air and beyond. Honda Riding Assist. Honda debuts self-balancing motorcycle with a system it calls “Riding Assist Technology” at Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Once a year, manufacturers break out their latest technological advances and scurry over to the Consumer Electronics Show … O seu motor elétrico possui um sistema robótico capaz de fazer correções na trajetória da moto, o que a torna autobalanceada, além de manter o equilíbrio quando ela … Honda unveiled a new self-balancing motorcycle concept at the Consumer Electronics Show. Honda Riding Assist Motorcycle. ASIMOに代表されるヒューマノイドロボット研究で培ったHonda独自のバランス制御技術を二輪車に応用した、世界初公開の実験車です … Honda Riding Assist. Honda is in the business of moving you in every sense of the word. Honda Riding Assist.
As already mentioned, the Honda Riding Assist-e concept will feature self balancing technology. La performance réalisée par Honda au CES de Las Vegas est bluffante : une moto équipée de la technologie "Riding Assist" tient en équilibre sur ses deux-roues sans béquille ni autre intervention et suit son propriétaire (revoir la vidéo publiée ce matin dans MNC Live). Honda two wheelers will be unveiling its self balancing bike concept at the coming 2017 Tokyo Motor Show. The Honda Riding Assist-e is an electric vehicle with a low center-of-gravity, a very low seat height, and a self-balancing technology which can be configured to intervene at very low speeds. Walking Assist Technology. Instead of using gyroscopes to keep balance, Riding Assist uses Honda’s robotics technology which helps to keep the weight down compared to heavy gyros. The Honda Riding Assist-e is an experimental motorcycle model Honda developed by applying proprietary balance control technologies Honda amassed through its research in the field of robotics. The said bike goes by the name Honda Riding Assist-e and the ‘e’ suffix suggests that this motorcycle will be an all-electric product. CES 2017 "Honda Riding Assist" In a global debut at CES, Honda unveiled its Moto Riding Assist technology, which leverages Honda’s robotics technology to create a self-balancing motorcycle that greatly reduces the possibility of falling over while the motorcycle is at rest.
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