C $59.68. C $115.32. Elvis Presley - Golden Records Exclusive Limited Edition Gold Color Vinyl LP. Lieferung an Abholstation. EUR 7,00. Was: Previous Price C $26.42. Elvis Presley ELVIS' GOLDEN RECORD Japan ONLY 10" LP OIS Vinyl vg+. Those who own the first Elvis box from RCA, covering the '50s masters may hesitate to pick up this or the other parts of this latest remastered series, but the sound has been upgraded one more level, and Elvis' Golden Records does give a bite-sized glimpse of where Elvis had come from and where he was going (for better or worse) musically on the eve of heading into the Army. It was a compilation album of those 78s. ELVIS PRESLEY vinyl record. Listen free to Elvis Presley – Elvis' Golden Records (Hound Dog, Loving You and more). Elvis' Golden Records was an album (LP), and therefore does not exist as a 78. Genre: Rock. ELVIS PRESLEY Elvis Golden Records Vinyl LP RCA Victor LSP-1707(e) Very Good. For the FTD has labeled four extra songs added: 'Blue Suede Shoes', 'My Baby Left Me', 'I Was The One' and 'Playing for Keeps', as well as some stereo versions. Elvis Golden Records is an album that was played often in my home while growing up. EUR 19,99. make offer - elvis presley sun record with sun sleeve milkcow blues boogie #215 truly mint Elvis Presley: Elvis Is Back 12" Vinyl LP Album 1960 Mono RCA Records £4.00 5d 12h With US sales of more than six million, and an even higher figure for the rest of the world, 'Elvis' Golden Records' Elvis is the best selling album, with the exception of the Christmas Album from 1970.
While you're at it, collect the other Golden Record voulmes. ... Elvis Presley 45 record "Help Me/If You Talk In Your Sleep" C $16.96 +C $3.80 shipping.
Elvis' Golden Records er det femte albumet til Elvis Presley.Det vart gjeve ut av RCA Victor, LPM 1707, i mars 1958.Albumet vart hovudsakleg spelt inn i Radio Recorders i Hollywood, med ei innspeling i RCA Victor sine studio i New York den 30. januar, ei i 20th Century Fox Stage One i Hollywood den 24. august og tre i RCA Studios i Nashville i januar og april 1956.
EUR 129,99. Subgenre: Rock 'n' Roll. The songs on this album are in my opinion most of his best songs in one collection. C $23.77. C $27.82; or Best Offer; Calculate Shipping ; From United States; Customs services and international tracking provided. EUR 4,00 Versand. RCA Records LSP-1707e "Stereo Electronically Reprocessed" w/White Letter "Stereo" on Label (orig shrink, consignors opinion of condition: Record, Jacket Nr Mint) Skip to Main Content Toggle navigation Sales on "Elvis' Golden Records" were continuning to boost throughout the years, and this has been awarded sextuple platinum by RIAA, as of Aug. 1999. EUR 4,80 Versand. Elvis Presley – Vinyl LP – Golden Records Volume 3 . It sounds better on CD than it did on LP but I wouldn't mind having this on vinyl just for the heck of it. Elvis Presley Golden Records Volume 4 Record Vinyl LP Album RCA Records New. 3- LP RCA Victor (LSP-2765) Italien. 14 tracks (32:22). EUR 4,90 Versand. I'm 14 and one of the few young Elvis fans in the world, and I love this CD! Make Offer - Elvis Presley 45 record "Help Me/If You Talk In Your Sleep" ELVIS PRESLEY -Elvis' Golden Records, Vol.
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