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Watch this listing to get price drop alerts. Music Man 6 String Electric Guitars. This Music Man bass is an awesome first choice for the aspiring bass player. Ernie Ball Music Man Joe Dart Bass - Velvet Natural . Inside the MMTW are two independent pickup tones. One is a ceramic and steel humbucking pickup that gives players an incredibly rich bass tone. $2,399.00. $995.00 +$49.95 shipping. Make an Offer. This … Only 1 left - act fast! Enjoy the lowest prices and best selection of Sterling 5 String Electric Bass at Guitar Center. false. 24 Month Financing Left Handed Ernie Ball Music Man StingRay Special HH Bass - Burnt Amber . Currency converter: Login | Join ... Music Man / Stingray Bass / 1977 / Inca Silver Finish / Bass … I have owned several electric and acoustic guitars. First introduced in 1976, the StingRay has been revered as one of the most iconic bass guitars in history. Free Shipping. 1978 Music Man Stringray neck, frets are fine, plastic nut needs to be replaced. The StingRay was the first production four string bass to feature onboard active equalization. It is perfect for the novice player, yet it looks and sounds fantastic from the minute you open the box. Music Man Bass Guitars. has a new truss rod anchor installed at heel = check last pic. Ernie Ball Music Man Bongo 4 Bass Guitar - Stealth Black $2,499.00. This month I had the opportunity to take a closer look at the Ernie Ball Music Man 30th Anniversary Stingray 5-string bass. Add to Cart. 1970's Music Man Stingray II Electric Guitar Natural Circa 1977 . Add to Cart. Or $53/month § for 48 months.

The Music Man Stingray bass has been a hard-rocking, string-slapping, snapping, spanking, skanking favorite of players from rock, funk, ska, jazz, pop, and just about any other genre imaginable since it was first introduced 1976. Still Shipping Quickly. #F76864 Ernie Ball Music Man Sterling 4 H Bass Guitar - … Guitar Center: Shop for Gear. Onyx Tablets & eBook Readers. *For 4 and 5 String Basses* The MMTW is a direct replacement for the Music Man large profile bass pickup. Music Man Guitar Amplifiers. Its custom color Inca Silver finished body is Advanced search. Bass Guitars; Ernie Ball Music Man; Ernie Ball Music Man Bongo 5 HH 5-String Bass Aqua Sparkle. $2,419.75. Guitar Center: Shop New, Used and Vintage Gear. Open. This is one of the rarest early production Stingray Basses known as a “B00” Bass w/low serial #’s made from their 2nd year in biz. View the Ernie Ball Music Man 30th Anniversary Stingray 5-string bass Continue Reading Most orders are eligible for free shipping! $1,999.00. Skip to main content Skip to footer site5116353165 site5116353165 Used 116353165 Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray 5H Electric Bass Guitar site5116353165. Watch. Open in the Guitar Center app. Compare. Once I decided to take a run at bass, this model stuck out like a sore thumb. Brand New.

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