Compleated virgil sanders jacket refrence pt. It's clear that a lot of people are using "as best as possible" as an adverb , so I don't think I can say its completely wrong.

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Existing data for older models has also been updated, ensuring that all the information is as accurate as possible. to be as accurate as possible translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'accurately',accumulate',accusative',accrue', examples, definition, conjugation As Accurate As Possible synonyms. – Peter Shor Feb 13 '14 at 0:15 I hope I made it as accurate as possible < > Most recent. Ask. Top as accurate as possible synonyms (phrases) are as closely as possible, as close as possible and close as possible. 1 of 2! Quote. Many translated example sentences containing "as accurate as possible" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. But well sounds better. Grid View List View. All posts. Most popular Most recent. As Accurate As Possible synonyms. Video. Link. Translation for 'as accurate as possible' in the free English-Dutch dictionary and many other Dutch translations. Synonyms for accurate at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. And I agree it sounds a lot better than as good as possible for an adverb. Text. Filter by post type. Top synonyms for as accurate as possible (other words for as accurate as possible) are as closely as possible, in as much detail as possible and as precisely as possible. Contextual translation of "accurate as possible" into Greek.
Human translations with examples: Ελεγκτικό, Το ταχύτερο δυνατό, Το αργότερο δυνατόν. See last two photos’ correspondent letters for details! Find descriptive alternatives for accurate.

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