The Astro C40 TR is the company's first non-audio gaming accessory, a gamepad designed for use with the PlayStation 4 and PC.

The software will not detect any other ASTRO Gaming products, and the C40 TR Controller is not compatible with the ASTRO Command Center. A few days ago I built a PC with an AMD 3900x CPU on an MSI Meg x570 Ace motherboard. thanks. Closing in on 50,000 masks donated so far, GamersMask4Masks focuses on helping the fight [ … ] ASTRO News. The Astro C40 TR is the first PS4 controller I’ve used that bests Sony’s DualShock 4.

But the new controller comes at an astronomical price. ASTRO are well known for their excellent gaming headsets – in some areas Astro A40 is basically the industry standard – so it’s no surprise they also make a premium controller too. The Astro C40 software fails to detect the controller while it is wired in via USB. ASTRO is well-known for New 2019 A40s connected to USB and Mixamp set to PC. The C40 TR costs $199.99. WORKS WITH: PS4, PC Manuals Download Manual Register Your Product Submit Case C40 TR Controller Setup Video for PC C40 TR... Register your product. Today I received my Astro C40 and I plugged it in to my computer and installed the software. Durable and serviceable, the C40 TR Controller features swappable, replaceable analog stick and D-Pad modules as well as remappable rear buttons, allowing for multiple configurations and increased speed and accuracy for any playstyle and any genre.

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Date Posted: Aug 8, 2019 @ 7:09am. #15 < > Showing 1-15 of 15 comments . The ASTRO C40 TR Configuration Software is specifically designed for use with the ASTRO C40 TR Controller and enables full configuration of the controller's adjustable settings. I am aware of various converters from PS4 controller to Xbox One, which one is recommended? For some reason the Astro C40 TR does not work properly on this setup.

hey newgunn66 were you able to change the buttons on the astro c40 to keyboard presses in steam? Everything was updated and it is switched to wired mode when plugged in. Anyway, the rest is pretty standard for high-end controllers, even if it seems like a novelty to those upgrading. Is there anyway to use the controller on my Xbox One, without using the Stream to PC? Software won't recognize the headset. Discussion. ... We at ASTRO gaming will be able to keep you updated on firmware updates and other interesting stuff happening with your product so you don't have to worry about keeping up with it all.

All Discussions > Steam Forums > Hardware and Operating Systems > Topic Details. Brandon Leuner - 05/25/2020 05/25/2020. The 2020 Astro C40 TR controller recently arrived for me to test with my PlayStation 4, and it’s an interesting design with a lot of promise let down by an extremely high price tag. ASTRO has announced the C40 TR Controller, a high-end modular game controller for the PlayStation 4 and PC coming early in 2019.

Ratings Distribution. 4 reviews. 3.8. Astro Gaming C40 TR Controller for PS4 & PC/MAC SKU: AST940000184 MFR: 940000184.

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