The 2015 NFL Draft was the selection of college football players to the NFL prior to the 2015 NFL season in Chicago, Illinois. Il Draft NFL 2015 è l'80ª edizione delle selezioni dei migliori giocatori provenienti dal college da parte delle franchigie della National Football League (NFL). It took place in Chicago at the Auditorium Theatre and in Grant Park, from April 30 to May 2. You can help American Football Wiki by expanding it. One of the most anticipated drafts in recent years kicked off on May 8, 2014 at 8 pm EDT. The Indianapolis Colts, who compiled the league's worst record in the 2011 season with a 2–14 record, … The National Football League draft has taken place prior to every season since 1936 . Il 17 luglio 2014, il commissioner Roger Goodell annunciò che il luogo sarebbe stato spostato dal Radio City Music Hall di New York City a Chicago o Los Angeles. The previous fifty NFL … The draft, officially the "Player Selection Meeting", was held at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, New York, on May 8th through May 10th, 2014. The 2016 NFL Draft was the 81st annual meeting of National Football League (NFL) franchises to select newly eligible American football players. The draft started with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Tennessee Titans taking Heisman Trophy winners Jameis Winston and Marcus Mariota, respectively. The 2014 NFL draft was the 79th annual meeting of National Football League (NFL) franchises to select newly eligible football players to the league. The draft began on Thursday, April 28 with the first round, and ended on Saturday, April 30. The draft, which is officially called the "NFL Player Selection Meeting", was held at Radio City Music Hall in New York City from April 26–28. The 2015 NFL Draft was the 80th annual meeting of National Football League (NFL) franchises to select newly eligible football players. As in 2015, the draft took place in Chicago, Illinois at the Auditorium Theatre and Grant Park. This article is a stub. The 2012 NFL draft was the 77th annual meeting of National Football League (NFL) franchises to select newly eligible football players. This list of NFL drafts provides a comprehensive accounting of all of the annual player selection meetings that have been held by the National Football League (NFL).

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